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SEO Services


Search Engine Optimization

Three little letters that pack a big PUNCH!

SEO isn’t a spice or topping that you sprinkle on top of a website after it’s complete. When done effectively, SEO is built into your website organically. While we do provide basic on-page SEO as we build your new website, there is a LOT more to uncover with this marketing tool.

Our partners use a solid foundation of current best SEO practices. That means no using ‘fly-by-night’ techniques and the latest gimmicks and hacks to try to get you to rank higher than your competitor. Google and other search engines will actually penalize you for using some of these questionable “black hat” techniques that try to cheat, so it’s best to avoid these!

Instead, our partners follow established industry best practices for making your website a delicious treat for hungry search engines.
These best practices include:

  • Using title tags, meta descriptions, image ALT tags and headers throughout your website
  • Creating easy to understand/index navigation
  • Creating and submitting Google approved Site Maps
  • Posting easy to read, well-organized key word rich text on your pages
  • Making your website mobile friendly
  • Putting your contact phone number and email front and center
  • Using a simple URL structure for sub-pages
  • Setup of your Google & Bing Local Listings (your place on the map)
  • Making your website look like a giant cupcake ready for Search Engines to gobble up (just kidding)
  • Maximizing your website speed
  • Keeping your website content fresh

    Just how important is it to optimize your website for searches?

    • Four out of five consumers use search engines to find local information
    • 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine
    • Bounce rates increase by 50 percent if your website takes two extra seconds to load
    • An estimated 73 billion phone calls were generated from mobile search alone in 2018. Here in 2024, the number is staggering.

    You may have heard of the 7 second rule when you drop a piece of food on the floor, but did you know there is a 5 second rule when people visit your website?

    If you don’t give your visitors what they EXPECT within 5 seconds, they click the back button with no shame or remorse. If you had 50 people a day walk into your store, look quickly and then leave without buying or looking further, what would you do? Greenlight Websites and thier SEO partners can help you uncover the keys to giving your visitors what they want – INSTANTLY.